

栏目:车辆工程  发布时间:2018-06-02















1983.07-2001.03, 兰州大学从事教学工作;1996年副教授)


2001.03-2003.03,新加坡-麻省理工联盟(singaporemit alliance)智能材料与结构组博士后;



2008.09—       ,苏州大学轨道交通学院从事教学科研工作。



1. 计算力学:有限元及无网格方法及其在压电智能结构中的应用

2. 车桥轨耦合动力学研究



  1. 压电智能层合板壳结构的3-d无网格方法研究(11572210国家自然科学面上基金,2016.1—2019.12 (在研)

  2. 热机电耦合压电层合曲壳结构的动力学特征及控制机理研究11172192国家自然科学面上基金,2012.1—2015.12 (结题)

  3. 强电场作用下压电智能结构的非线性动力学数值分析 10672111国家自然科学面上基金,2007.1—2009.12 (结题)

  4. mems结构的动力学分析及仿真教育部留学回国人员科研基金20052007结题

  5. 智能结构中的非线性动力学研究(04kjb110117)江苏省高校科研基20042006结题



  1. 苏州市力学学会理事

  2. 江苏省力学学会计算力学专业委员会委员

  3. 江苏省力学学会固体力学专业委员会委员

  4. 江苏省力学学会环境与灾害力学专业委员会委员

  5. 江苏省力学学会科普工作委员会委员

  6. 江苏省力学学会教育工作委员会委员



  1. 2007-2010年度江苏省优秀力学工作者(2011.10)

  2. 2015年度江苏省力学优秀教师奖

  3. 2015年中国力学学会全国徐芝纶力学优秀教师奖



  1. 周平,沈纪苹*,姚林泉,胡统号.基于levinson三阶剪切理论的功能梯度轴对称圆板特征值问题求解”,力学季刊,2017382),215-230.

  2. shi-chao yilin-quan yao, and bai-jian tang, "a novel higher-order shear and normal deformable plate theory for the static, free vibration and buckling analysis of functionally graded plates," mathematical problems in engineering, vol 2017(2017), article id 6879508, 20 pages, 2017. doi:10.1155/2017/6879508.

  3. sen li, linquan yao*, shichao yi and wei wang, “a meshless radial basis function based on partition of unity method for piezoelectric structures”, mathematical problems in engineering, volume 2016, article id 7632176, 17 pages.

  4. 王伟,伊士超*,姚林泉,“分析复合材料层合板弯曲和振动的一种有效无网格方法”,应用数学和力学,2015,3612),1274-1284.

  5. wei wang, shi-chao yi, sen li, lin-quan yao“vibration analyses of composite laminates using a higher-order shear and normal deformable plate theory by chebyshev-legendre-galerkin method”, international conference on electronic science and automation control (esac 2015)published by atlantis press: 250-257.

  6. cheng li, linquan yao*, weiqiu chen, shuang li“comments on nonlocal effects in nano-cantilever beams”,international journal of engineering science87 (2015) 47–57. (sci)

  7. cheng li, quan shen, linquan yao, and shuang li*,“lateral bending vibration of nanoscale ultra-thin beams using a semi-continuum model”,journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience2015vol. 12(9), 2507–2514.(sci)

  8. 程曦,姚林泉,沙峰,“基于虚拟激励法的车--桥耦合系统的随机振动响应分析”,力学季刊,2015362),pp261-269.

  9. yang cao, sen li, lin-quan yao“a class of generalized shift-splitting preconditioners for nonsymmetric saddle point problems”,applied mathematics letters49201520-27 sci

  10. 孙晓洁,姚林泉*,闫浩,朱忠奎,热机电耦合板壳的动力学分析及主动控制”,振动工程学报,2015282,pp217-226. ei

  11. shichao yi, linquan yao* and yang cao. “a novel stratified interpolation of the element-free galerkin method for 2d plane problems”, engineering analysis with boundary elements, 502015,pp. 459-473. doi:10.1016/j.enganabound.2014.09.012.(sci)

  12. shichao yi, fujun chen* and linquan yao. "radial basis point interpolation method with reordering gauss domains for 2d plane problems"journal of applied mathematics. 2014. volume 2014, article id 219538, 14 pages.

  13. 闫浩,姚林泉*,孙晓洁,“压电曲壳结构的形状控制和优化设计”,应用数学和力学,2014, 358),pp 863-872.

  14. yang cao, jun-liang dong, lin-quan yao. “a modification of the moving least-squares approximation in the element-free galerkin method”, journal of applied mathematics, volume 2014, article id 528082, 13 pages.sci

  15. 张辉,姚林泉*,赵乾峰,王焕然. “复合轨道不平顺对车辆-轨道-桥梁耦合系统的影响”,力学季刊, 2013, vol.34(4): 599-606.

  16. yang cao, lin-quanyao, shi-chaoyi“a weighted nodal-radial point interpolation meshless method for 2d solid problems”,engineering analysis with boundary elements201439(2014)88–100 sci

  17. 陈富军,魏春志,姚林泉*基于局部移动kriging无网格方法的层合板自由振动分析 计算力学学报,2013,vol.30(4):559-564.(ei)

  18. 李成、姚林泉* “轴向运动超薄梁的非局部动力学分析” ,工程力学, 2013 30(4, pp 367-372.ei.

  19. yang cao, lin-quan yao, meiqun jiang, qiang niu, “a relaxed hss preconditioner for saddle point problems from meshfree discretization”, journal of computational mathematics, 2013, vol.31(4):398-421. (sci)

  20. yang cao, lin-quan yao*, yu yin, “new treatment of essential boundary conditions in efg method by coupling with rpim”acta mechanica solida sinica, 2013, vol. 26(3):302-316. sci

  21. 赵乾峰,姚林泉*,张辉,“高速列车-轨道-路基耦合垂向振动特性分析”,力学季刊,2013341):16-24.

  22. yu yin, lin-quan yao*, yang cao, “a 3d shell-like approach using element-free galerkin method for analysis of thin and thick plate structures”acta mechanica sinica2013291):85-98. sci

  23. yao linquan(姚林泉), sze ky, “a hybrid-stress solid-shell element for non-linear analysis of piezoelectric structures”, science in china series e: technological sciences, 200952(3): 575-583. sci

  24. lin-quan yao, “exact solution of multi-layered piezoelectric circular diaphragm with linear spring and screw spring”, journal of mechanics and mems, 1(2) 2009: pp 381-392.

  25.  姚林泉,王伟,强电场作用下简支压电层合梁的非线性动力分析,固体力学学报,200829(4): 341-347. ei

  26. 黄娟,姚林泉*改进广义移动最小二乘近似的无网格法”, 力学季刊2007,28(3),461-470.

  27. 姚林泉沈纪苹考虑几何与压电非线性行为压电层合轴对称圆板的精确解”, 应用力学学报2007,23(4),633-636. ei

  28. 沈纪苹,姚林泉*强电场和机械荷载联合作用下轴对称压电层合圆板的非线性变形”, 苏州大学学报2006

  29. 王伟,姚林泉*强电场和机械荷载联合作用下压电层合梁的非线性变形”, 力学季刊2006,27(1),103-111.

  30. l.q. yao, j.g. zhang, l. lu and m.o. lai, “nonlinear extension and bending of piezoelectric laminated plate under large applied field actuating”, smart materials and structures2004, vol. 13, 404-414. sci

  31. l.q. yao, j.g. zhang, l. lu and m.o. lai, “nonlinear dynamic characteristics of piezoelectric bending actuators under strong applied electric field”,  journal of microelectromechanical systems, 2004, vol.13, 645-652. sci

  32. l.q. yao, j.g. zhang, l. lu and m.o. lai, “nonlinear static characteristics of piezoelectric bending actuators under strong applied electric field”,  sensors and actuators, a: physical, 2004, vol.115, 168-175. sci

  33. k.y. sze, x.m. yang and l.q. yao, “stablized plane and axisymmetric piezoelectric finite element models”, finite element in analysis and design, 2004, vol.40, 1105-1122. sci

  34. t.j. zhu, l. lu and l.q. yao, “excimer laser-induced transformation in laser ablated pb(zr0.52ti0.48)o3 amorphous thin films”, philosophical magazine, 2004, vol.84, 3729-3739. sci

  35. l.q. yao, l. lu, zhihong wang, weiguang zhu and ying dai, “exact solution of multi-layered piezoelectric diaphragm”, ieee transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control, 2003, vol. 50, 1262-1271. sci

  36. l.q. yao and l. lu, “hybrid-stabilized solid-shell model of laminated composite piezoelectric structures under nonlinear distribution of electric potential through thickness”, international journal for numerical methods in engineering, 2003, vol. 58, 1499-1522. sci

  37. k.y. sze, l.q. yao and t.h.h. pian, “an eighteen-node hybrid-stress solid-shell for homogenous and laminated structures”, finite elements in analysis and design, 2002, vol. 38(4), 353-374. sci

  38. k.y. sze, s.h. lo and l.q. yao, “hybrid-stress solid elements for shell structures based upon a modified variational function”, international journal for numerical methods in engineering, 2002, vol. 53, 2617-2642. sci

  39. k.y.sze and l.q. yao, “modelling smart structures with segmented piezoelectric sensors and actuators”, journal of sound and vibration, 2000, vol. 235(3), 495-520. sci

  40. k.y.sze and l.q. yao, “a hybrid-stress ans solid-shell element and its generalization for smart structure modelling – part i: solid-shell element formulation”, international journal for numerical methods in engineering, 2000, vol. 48, 545-564. sci

  41. k.y.sze, l.q. yao and sung yi, “a hybrid-stress ans solid-shell element and its generalization for smart structure modelling – part ii: smart structure modelling”, international journal for numerical methods in engineering, 2000, vol. 48, 565-582. sci)
