

栏目:科研成果  发布时间:2018-06-13
1何立群low-frequency   ripple suppression for medium-voltage drives using modular multilevel   converter with full-bridge submodulesieee   journal of emerging and selected topics in power electronics
2孙玉娥a   double auction mechanism for heterogeneous multi-unit spectrum tradingchinese   journal of electronics
3杨剑宇invariant   multi-scale descriptor for shape representation, matching and retrievalcomputer   vision and image understanding
4姚林泉a   meshless radial basis function based on partition of unity method for   piezoelectric structuresmathematical   problems in engineering
5沈长青a   parameterized doppler distorted matching model for periodic fault   identification in locomotive bearingproceedings   of the institution of mechanical engineers part c-journal of mechanical   engineering science
6史培新geological   investigation and tunnel excavation aspects of the weakness zones of xiang'an   subsea tunnels in chinarock   mechanics and rock engineering
7陶砚蕴a   projection-based decomposition for the scalability of evolvable hardwaresoft   computing
8杨剑宇metric   learning based object recognition and retrievalneurocomputing
9陶砚蕴a   systematic ehw approach to the evolutionary design of sequential circuitssoft   computing
10唐永圣distributed   long-gauge optical fiber sensors based self-sensing frp bar for concrete   structuresensors
11李成on   bending, buckling and vibration of graphene nanosheets based on the nonlocal   theorysmart   structures and systems
12李攀optimal   allocation of tunnel safety provisions based on a quantitative risk   assessment modelscientific   programming
13曹世杰associated   relationship between ventilation rates and indoor air qualityrsc   advances
14唐强characteristics   and factors influencing pb(ii) desorption from a chinese clay by citric acidseparation   science and technology
15成明two-stage,   single-lot, lot streaming problem for a hybrid flow shopjournal   of global optimization
16唐强membrane   behavior of bentonite-amended fukakusa clay in k, na and ca solutionsjournal   of central south university
17杨剑宇parsing   3d motion trajectory for gesture recognitionjournal   of visual communication and image representation
18唐强removal   of aqueous ni(ii) with carbonized leaf powder: kinetics and equilibriumjournal   of central south university
19陶雪慧an   estimation method for the efficiency of light-emitting diode (led) devicesjournal   of power electronics
20胡增荣numerical   simulation of temperature field distribution for laser sintering graphene   reinforced nickel matrix nanocompositesjournal   of alloys and compounds
21刘维upper   bound analysis for estimation of the influence of seepage on tunnel face   stability in layered soilsjournal   of zhejiang university-science a
22郑建颖non-intrusive   traffic data collection with wireless sensor networks for intelligent   transportation systemsad   hoc & sensor wireless networks
23唐强solidification/stabilization   of fly ash from a municipal solid waste incineration facility using portland   cementadvances   in materials science and engineering
24唐永圣self-sensing   and strengthening effects of reinforced concrete structures with   near-surfaced mounted smart basalt fibre-reinforced polymer barsadvances   in mechanical engineering
25李成gradient   type of nonlocal higher-order beam theory and new solution methodology of   nonlocal bending deflectionlixue   xuebao/chinese journal of theoretical and applied mechanics
26盛洁multi-objective   optimal based service access control algorithm for heterogeneous wireless   networkstien   tzu hsueh pao/acta electronica sinica
27黄伟国common   base triangle area representation method for shape retrievaltien   tzu hsueh pao/acta electronica sinica
28周健/朱灿焰compensatory   analysis and optimization for madm for heterogeneous wireless network   selectionjournal   of electrical and computer engineering
29杨勇fast   finite control set model predictive control method for three-level   three-phase invertersdianji   yu kongzhi xuebao/electric machines and control
30沈纪苹analysis   of horizontal dynamic impedance of pipe pile in layered soils based on   transfer-matrix formulationyantu   lixue/rock and soil mechanics
31谢门喜equivalent   analysis of maf and cdsc applied in-loop srf-pll2016   ieee 8th international power electronics and motion control conference   (ipemc-ecce asia)
32吴庆婷/汪一鸣application   of reinforcement learning on high-speed rail cognitive radiointernational   conference on artificial intelligence: techniques and applications, aita 2016
33杨斌/陶雪慧analysis   and design of cll resonant multi-channel led driver with balance capacitor2016   ieee 8th international power electronics and motion control conference   (ipemc-ecce asia)
34石娟娟a   tacho-free technique for bearing fault diagnosis via the oscillatory   behaviors based signal decomposition and generalized demodulation2016   prognostics and system health management conference (phm-chengdu)
35沈长青sparse   representation of gearbox compound fault features by combining   majorization-minimization algorithm and wavelet bases2016   ieee international instrumentation and measurement technology conference   proceedings
36蔡改改sparse   representation of transients based on improved matching pursuit algorithm for   gear fault diagnosis2016   10th international conference on sensing technology (icst)
37杨剑宇contour   based shape matching for object recognitionintelligent   robotics and applications, icira 2016, pt i
38杨勇a   virtual rc active damping method in weak grid for three-level three-phase   grid-connected inverters2016   ieee 8th international power electronics and motion control conference   (ipemc-ecce asia)
39孙玉娥privacy-preserving   strategyproof auction mechanisms for resource allocation in wireless   communicationsbig   data computing and communications, (bigcom 2016)
40强祥/汪一鸣video-based   adaptive railway recognition in complex sceneproceedings   of 2016 international conference on audio, language and image processing   (icalip)
41胡增荣laser   sintered graphene reinforced titanium matrix nanocompositesproceedings   of the asme 11th international manufacturing science and engineering   conference, 2016, vol 1
42张一平/朱灿焰28nm   latch type sense amplifier coupling effect analysis2016   international symposium on integrated circuits (isic)
43严荣慧/汪一鸣a   preliminary study for exploring high-speed train driver fatigue using   eye-gaze cueproceedings   of the 2016 2nd international conference on artificial intelligence and   industrial engineering (aiie 2016)
44谢门喜improving   dynamic performance of five types of dqcdsc-pll using digital phase-lead   compensator2016   ieee electrical power and energy conference (epec)
45黄伟国salient   contour matching for object detection2016   8th international conference on intelligent human-machine systems and   cybernetics (ihmsc), vol. 1
46杨剑宇invariant   multi-scale shape descriptor for object matching and recognition2016   ieee international conference on image processing (icip)
47孙莉/毛凌锋the   phononic crystal interface layer determines slow-wave and pulse broadening   effectsturkish   journal of electrical engineering and computer sciences
48孙莉/毛凌锋a   method to measure the distance among scatters and the scatters' diameter in   artificial composite materialsultrasonics
49崔翠梅/汪一鸣optimal   cooperative spectrum aware opportunistic routing in cognitive radio ad hoc   networkswireless   personal communications
50李雷/毛凌锋the   relationship between the interstitials location and visible light absorption   in titanium dioxide: ab initio calculationsjournal   of optoelectronics and advanced materials
51李雷/毛凌锋the   impact of the dopants on the formation of conductive path in titanium   dioxide: ab initio calculationseuropean   physical journal b
